P.R.I.D.E at Its Best

Weyant Exemplifies Raider P.R.I.D.E.
Posted on 05/22/2024
Senior Kasey Weyant Receives Recognition from Capital Area Intermediate Unit

Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence. These attributes encompass Raider P.R.I.D.E. and some of the same adjectives can be used to describe MASD Senior Kasey Weyant, recipient of the Capital Area Intermediate Unit’s Tom Buskey Student Achievement Award. The award is for students who have overcome incredible adversity throughout their high school career. Kasey was presented with the award at a luncheon and ceremony this spring.

At the start of his junior year Kasey wasn’t sure what his future held. Kasey’s team at the high school began meeting with him and developing a plan to find his path. Kasey has demonstrated resilience and has continued on his path this year. He will be graduating from high school in June.

Mrs. Taylor, Director of Special Education, said Kasey is a student who has overcome adversity and went from having little hope to setting goals for his future. Throughout his senior year he worked half of his day at MAMS in the MDS classroom, became a lunch buddy for a student with disabilities.  He currently works with Kasey Weyant and student buddythe sixth grade learning support team and Ms. Houtz. Because of perseverance and hard work, Kasey will walk across the stage at graduation in June. His plans for after high school include either applying to work as a paraprofessional at MASD or working at UPS.

The Tom Buskey Student Achievement Award is named for Tom Buskey, a member of the Capital Area Regional Transition Council who devoted his time towards finding training and employment opportunities. He advocated for students who needed to “beat the odds” and or may have needed extra support to find their path. The annual luncheon and award ceremony is to keep Tom’s memory alive.
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